
Sunday 22 February 2015

Media Evaluation Question 4

Media Evaluation Question 2

Media Evaluation Question 3

Media Evaluation Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
A performance based scene
in which the artist can be
seen singing the song.
The use of a kaleidoscope that
links with drug culture

A relationship theme within the
music video that is conventional
as viewers can relate.
My media class was given the task of creating a 3-5 minute music video, I was responsible for every aspect and element. A music video is a piece of footage that accompanies a song, there are many reasons as to why artists create music videos, however the two most prominent derive from decades ago in which music videos  (known as soundies at the time) were used to promote an artist which would subsequently result in increased and publicity. Music videos are also used for creative means, as the video acts as a visual representation of the song and can correspond to the lyrics or ethos of the song. Within the mainstream there are many conventions and essential rules to what makes the fundamentals of an effective music video. Goodwin a professor of media and theorist, created 7 conventions that makes up a music video: the frequent notion of looking (i:e the use of mirrors,) a link between the lyrics and visuals (in an attempt to abolish the possibility of ambiguity and to create a relationship between the video and the song, intertextual references (as a means of promotion and endorsement of other products,) an abundance of close ups (to promote the artists as they are usual the focal point of the music video,) the use of genre characterization (this results in the music video being relevant to its specific genre and target audience.) Links between visuals and music to again to create a relationship between the video and song, and the use of either a narrative, concept or performance within the music video. My music video both challenged and developed the conventions of a music video, the song I decided to create a music video for was Feels Like We Only Go Backwards by Tame Impala, this song is from the Psychedelic Rock genre, a genre that roots from drug culture and embraces non-conformity and differentiating from the mainstream, this was to be reflected within my music video through the use of conventions.

In terms of the adaptation and manipulation of Psychedelic Rock genre conventions, there were many elements evident within my music video that clearly suggest that I have developed conventions in order to appeal to a mainstream audience. The research used suggested that the majority of people who listen to mainstream music such as pop and dance did not enjoy Psychedelic Rock music videos, I therefore decided to change several features in order for them to appeal to audiences of all ages and interests. The use of a bright and vibrant colour scheme throughout the entirety of the music video is a element conventional to the Psychedelic Rock genre, I decided however to use bright and vibrant colour schemes within my music video at certain points through the use of adjusting the brightness and increasing the colour saturation. The video however was not bright throughout the entirety of the music video and there were certain sequences that were very dark, this was an attempt to represent the negative emotions being portrayed through the lyrics and within my music video's narrative. Another Psychedelic Rock element developed within my music video is the use of concept based sequences, instead of using concept based elements throughout the entire video I used certain parts with just concept and other parts that were performance and narrative in order to create variation.

A bright sequence within
my music video
A dark sequence within
my music video
A relationship theme within the
music video that is conventional
as viewers can relate.

In order to make the music video enjoyable to a generalized audience I decided that my music video would follow a few expected mainstream codes, thus challenging my Psychedelic Rock genre. Aspects from Goodwin's theory that are present within my music video include a performance aspect in which the artist would lip sync the lyrics from the chorus "it feels like we only go backwards," and narrative elements such as the intro of the music video in which the artist argues with his girlfriend, in order to set a plot for our music video to follow. My music video also included links between the lyrics and visuals such as when the word "backwards" is heard there is a rewinding sequence, meaning the music video and the words being heard by the artist link. My music video did however use unconventional methods within several sequences, the drug culture of which my genre derives from resulted in my using a range of editing techniques such as fast paced editing to represent intoxication and intensity when the artist takes drugs within my music video, and also the use of special effects such as colour filters and a kaleidoscope to again represent intoxication when the artist takes drugs in the music video. Our music video at certain points did not link with the song, such as the fight scene occurring in a song with a slow tempo, which essentially created syncopation, and contrast which would make my music video stand out as usually a fight scene would be accompanied with a high tempo song. The use of a fight scene accompanied with fast paced editing is also unconventional as the usual themes within Psychedelic Rock music videos is positivity and there is almost always slow paced editing.

Drug references are conventional to
the Psychedelic Rock genre.
The use of editing and special effects in abundance is a feature that is very conventional to the Psychedelic Rock genre due to its roots, implementing a performance or narrative based aspect within my music video however is not as after research it was clear that the majority of Psychedelic rock videos are concept based. Through the evaluation of different conventions it is clear to see that my music video both included certain conventional features in a means to appeal to a wider audience and features strictly conventional to the Psychedelic rock genre to appeal to the intended target audience of the song and to stick to its roots. Overall it is clear that my music video has both followed and adapted the conventions of Psychedelic Rock, this is mainly as an attempt to appeal to a mass audience rather than the niche target audience that Psychedelic Rock appeals to. The use of features conventional to Goodwin's theory such as the use of performance based elements and links between the lyrics and the visuals, and Adorno's theory of creating false needs such as the use of a relationship theme appeals to most viewers of the music video as they can relate.