
Wednesday 10 December 2014

Individual digipak - Miss Miller

Individual digipak - Miss Miller

There are many uses for a digipak in terms of the promotional and artistic benefits for a musician and their subsequent record label. The use of a digipak not only results in added features which will appeal to fans of the artists as it includes aspects such as lyrics for the songs and also a personal message from the artist which adds to the personalisation and resultantly the relationship between artist and audience the digipak also results in an increased revenue as it means there is an added source of income in addition to the album and the song itself. Below are the 6 slides that make up my digipak I will discuss the slides in detail and analyse them to discuss the features and how they are conventional to my genre.

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Individual Magazine - Miss Miller

Individual Magazine - Miss Miller

The use of magazine adverts are incredibly important to artists and their correspond record labels for many different reasons; firstly the use of a magazine advert means the artist's album is publicized more as magazines have thousands of readers and thus a successful advert could appeal and attract a reader which in turn could result in increased sales of the album and a wider following. The use of a magazine advert can also result in creating a new image of an artist, as the use of a variation of lighting, editing, font and colour scheme can portray the artist in a different light, which can result in targeting a variation of readers, not just constricting it to their initial fan-base as readers of magazines vary greatly in terms of age, music preference and general interests which means using a magazine advert that would be deemed conventional and mainstream is effective as it attracts the largest conglomerate of readers which will result in heightened sales. Within my magazine advert there are several features that appeal to the audience, firstly in terms of positioning of the poster, the main character and protagonist of the song "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" is in the center of the poster, this is as he is the main focus in the music video and is thus should be the main viewing point of the poster. The font of the poster was entitled "Keep On Trucking" and derives from a psychedelic website that has many different psychedelic fonts, the use of this means that despite the abundance of conventional or mainstream features the poster still has psychedelic rock roots, which will appeal to the primary fan-base and may also appeal to other fans of the genre whom are not aware of the song or album. The use of several filters such as Artistic and Texturise, combined with a vibrant colour scheme also appeals to the fans of psychedelic rock genre as the music videos within this genre are famous for their trippy styles which us a variation of special effects and colours. Below is the magazine advert I have created for the promotion of my album and the song "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards." In terms of the positioning of the text the title "White Rhinos" and "Escapsim" is in the middle of the poster below the main image, it is large and catches the eye of the viewer due to the colour not matching the scheme of the background. In terms of the effects used I used Diffuse Glow, and Plastic Wrap, as it gave the buildings a strange glowing look that was unusual and relevant to the drug link within our music genre, I also used blend and burn tools to make the text stand out more.

Monday 1 December 2014

Research into chosen music genre - Miss Georgiou

Research into chosen music genre - Miss Georgiou 

The genre of which we have chosen to use within our music video is psychedelic rock, there are many reasons as to why we have decided to use this genre of music to create a video for. Psychedelic rock is a style of rock music that is inspired by psychedelic culture, pioneered by artists such as The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd and the experience of taking mind altering drugs, the music also takes roots from Indian music and implements the usage of instruments such as sitars and ragas, there are many different features within this music genres of which we will implement within our own music video. I will be investigating 2 different music videos of the psychedelic rock in order to discover features and conventions to implement within our own music videos and to draw inspirations and ideas that will further aid the end product of our music video.

The first music video of which I will be analysing is The Black Angels - Entrance Song, there are several features within this music video that I will take inspiration from as they are conventions within the Psychedelic Rock music genre. One feature within the music video is the use editing within the video, the abstract and over exaggerated colouring effects within the video. The abstract and strange colouring within the video reflects the nature of the music genre as the music itself is abstract and out of the ordinary. I will consider using a variety of lightings within my own music video through the editing software iMovie as it makes sense to reflect the music genres ethos.

The second music video I will be analysing for inspiration and information in the Pyschedelic Rock genre is Animal Collective - Monkey Riches. There are several features within this music video, such as the use of editing, specifically the use of stop motion and fast editing within the music video. These aspects are effective as they link with the high tempo of the song this intertwining with Goodwin's theory of music and visuals having a link. The stop motion is effective as it is enjoyable for the audience if it is done well through editing, the stop motion is portrayed as magic within the video and makes the video more believable. The fast editing reflects the high tempo of the music and creates a more exciting impact as it is fast paced.