
Thursday 23 October 2014

Lyric analysis - Miss Georgiou

Lyric analysis - Miss Georgiou

Lyrics are an integral part of music and the implementation of these lyrics with music and music videos are incredibly effective for the audience for many reasons. Firstly in terms of Goodwin's theory the lyrics can link with the visuals within the music videos, this ultimately creates a relationship between the song and the music video, meaning it is more enjoyable as the video corresponds with the song and thus is not confusing or ambiguous.  Lyrics are also an effective technique within the music video as again corresponding with Goodwin's theory, performance based sections within the video entirely almost always feature the artists performing the song and lip syncing the lyrics of the song, this adds to reality of the video as it seems as though the artists are giving a live performance of the song which is enjoyable for the audience. Lyrics can also aid the music video in terms of implementation of motifs and symbols, as if the lyrics within the song make constant reference to a particular object or instance the music video may emit this within the music video. 

Within our groups we printed off a sheet of the lyrics for Tame Impala's 'Feels Like We Only Go Backwards,' for annotation. We all took turns discussing the many possibilities the lyrics gave us and were pleased to find ideas were not sparse, as we began to gain ideas for the cinematography, mis-en-scene, editing and setting for our music video with the lyrics alone. Below is the original annotated lyric sheet we used to come up with many ideas that would soon be implemented in our own music video.

I will be analysing the lyrics within Tame Impala's "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards," I will be looking for hidden messages and meanings within the lyrics and analyse them in order to implement features within the video, and to correspond with Goodwin's theory. The lyrics will inspire me and lead my music video as it will determine the overview of the music video's narrative or at least help give us ideas that will further our video and create a link between the video and the song.

The first lyrical element within the music video I have identified is the reoccurring motif and title of Tame Impala's song, "it feels like I only go backwards, baby." This lyric creates many possibilites for expansion within the music video, firstly the lyrics could be used to directly correspond with Goodwin's theory of lyrics and visuals linking, the lyrics "I only go backwards" could be reflected within the music video by the actor within the music video moving backwards, thus the music video is emitting the literal meaning of the lyrics and thus this both creates a link between the video and the song, and it also corresponds with Goodwin's theory. The lyric can also provide many possibilities for editing and special effects, as the word "backwards" could again be taken with literal meaning and thus within our music we could use editing effects such as a rewinding effect, a time lapse of some sort, or a slow motion effect that emit the feeling of moving backwards or slowly. The occurrence of this line within every verse means that the several different features and editing can be used when the line is sang again and again, this thus is beneficial as the audience do not know what to expect due to the unpredictability of our music video that reflects the conventions of our genre Psychedelic Rock.

The lyrics also make several references to relationships such us using the words "baby," "darling" and "I've got my hopes up again." The implementation of these lyrics corresponding with relationships and love gives me inspiration to make our music video narrative about relationships, with the idea of a male protaginist and a female love interest within the video, this is effective for many reasons: firstly the use of a relationship within the music video is relatable to the audience and they may enjoy it more as the elements within the video may represent an relate to them thus furthering the relationship between fan and artist. The use of relationships within the music video is also effective as it is conventional to most mainstream music videos, and although our genre of music genre is not of the mainstream we intend to make our music video more relatable and conventional to the masses and thus this results in more views and a widened audience. Our group intend on implementing a relationship narrative within our music video and to correspond it with the narrative of the song itself, to do this our group decided we would use a conflict between two people in a relationship as it is relevant to the lyrics within the song.


  1. You have made a start in considering the hidden meanings of your chosen song and it is clear to see that you have considered a narrative for your production. However, the narrative needs to be explored in a lot more detail, by explaining what will be seen, the style of the production, explanation of how you will follow the conventions of your genre and how your production will appeal to your target audience.

  2. You have elaborated your points further and you have explored the style of a narrative that you would like to include within your work. However, you still need to explore the micro elements that you would like to include within your work. This will enable your analysis to be more detailed and this will demonstrate further planning techniques.
