
Wednesday 1 October 2014

Target Audience - Miss Miller

Target Audience - Miss Miller

Finding the correct target audience is essential in terms of creating a successful music video or any media product for that matter, in order to do so I first researched into the psychedelic rock and found that the target audience for this music is 15 - 35 year old, in order to find out what aspects and features people would like to see within the music video and to discover what makes a successful music video me and my group designed a questionnaire, with 10 questions and asked 40 different people, we also filmed vox pops, asking questions relating to both our artist, Tame Impala and their overall opinions on music videos.

The 5 questions used for my vox pops were:

  1. Do you like Tame Impala
  2. Did you enjoy the Feels Like We Only Go Backwards music video, why?
  3. What elements did you enjoy about the video?
  4. What elements didn't you enjoy about the video?
  5. What improvements would you make?
The 10 questions used for my questionnaire were: 

  1. How old are you?
  2. What genre of music do you listen to frequently?
  3. Do you prefer Concept, Narrative or Performance based videos?
  4. Have you heard of psychedelic rock?
  5. What makes a music video enjoyable?
  6. What makes a music video unenjoyable?
  7. Do you prefer your artist to be in the music video, why?
  8. What do you think of Tame Impala's music?
  9. What do you think of their music videos?
  10. Do you prefer the use of CGI and special effects in music videos?
Below are my vox pops:

Below are the results for my questionnaire in the form of a pie chart:

The majority of the people targeted within our questionnaire were aged 25 and younger, there were many reasons for this in terms of acquiring information in order to aid our music video. The main reason for this is due to the fact that our music genre - Psychedelic Rock's target audience are those aged 25 and under, meaning we can gain the most relevant information in terms of what people would like to see in a music video.

We decided we needed a variety of different answers from people who liked different genres of music as this would help us decipher any patterns in terms of what makes an enjoyable music video. The majority of those questioned enjoyed Pop the most which aided us as we could look into the possibility of implementing pop themed conventions within our music video to appeal to the masses.

We decided to discover what style of music videos people enjoyed the most. The fact that narrative got a 42% shows us that the audience will enjoy this aspect and that performance got 38% grew me to the conclusion that within our music video we should implement both narrative and performance aspects within our music video as these elements are both popular.

Predictably 83% of the people we questioned had not heard of psychedelic rock, this is because of the underground nature of the genre as it is a sub genre deriving from rock. The people who had heard of psychedelic rock would aid us in terms of what fans of the genre would like to see in the music video, however everyone can aid us to improve our video.

Our results, once again were predictable as the majority of people said that unconventional elements reflecting upon the genre made a music video the least enjoyable. This could aid us in terms of improving our music video as we now know that in order to make a succesful and enjoyable music video we must stick to the conventions of the Psychedelic Rock genre to appeal to the fans. The second highest feature was the use of excessive swearing, as it causes offence to many people, this again could be avoided by the selection of our song as the song "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" has no swearing within the entire song. 

The majority chose that they enjoyed the artist to be in their music video because they want to see the artist, the 65% majority tells us that we must implement our music artist within our video. There are many benefits to including our artist into a video, firstly the promotion of the artist is a key feature and a element of Goodwin's theory and thus according to the theorist Goodwin this will make the music video succesful and conventional.
The fact that 52% of people asked said they did not enjoy Tame Impala's music shows us that the audience for this genre of music are niche and thus must be adressed in a specific and cautious manor to ensure we don't dissapoint the fans of the genre of music. Because of the unconventional and obscure themes within the Psychedelic Rock it leaves many people confused or don't enjoy it as it is different to the mainstream/pop conventions. 

The 62% majority that stated they had not seen again shows us that the music and genre itself are both considerably unpopular and are not mainstream. The 23% that had seen their music videos said they enjoyed it which over shadows the 13% that didn't enjoy them, this suggests that the music videos were popular and that we should gain inspiration from them.

1 comment:

  1. You have provided a minimal analysis of your results, explaining what the results show, but not explaining what you will include within your video as a result.

    You need to:
    1) Make sure you explain what you will include (more specifically) within your music video because of your results
    2) Include a subculture theory paragraph, explaining how your results follow this theory as well as how you will follow the theory in your music video
    4) Elaborate on the importance on creating vox pops
    5) Include a conclusion stating how this research has helped you understand what you need to include within your video and what you might have done differently
