
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Music video inspirations - Miss Georgiou

Music video inspirations - Miss Georgiou

There are many music videos of which I watched and was inspired by, I have chosen 5 different videos that I enjoyed the most and that I will attempt to take inspiration from to implement them within my own music videos. 2 of these music videos I will take inspiration for within the music video in terms of its editing features and I will attempt to implement these features within our own music video using the editing software Final Cut Pro. The 5 music videos I have chosen are, Clean Bandit - Rather Be, Jake Bugg - Lighting Bolt, , these 3 music videos have inspired me greatly and I intend to use them as a platform for my own willy music video. Within this post I will go through the 3 videos and annotate aspects of which I took inspiration from and discuss how it makes the music video successful and enjoyable.

Consider 3 music videos that you have watched, which have provided you with inspiration for your own production. Focus on; micro elements, music video style, artist representation, music video genre, theory, choice of song, etc.

Music video 1-

This music video is of the dance genre, I took several inspirations within this music video which I intend to implement within my own music videos. Firstly the use of editing within the video, specifically aspects such as the use of fast editing within the video would be an interesting feature that my group may look into using as it fits into the ethos of our music video, the use of this fast editing is effective as it goes accordingly with Goodwin's theory as the song has a high tempo and thus correlates with the fast editing. The use of fast editing partnered up with backwards editing within our music video would be an interesting aspect of which I am intending to use, this is as it both correlates with the tempo of the music and also the backwards editing goes accordingly to the lyric of the song "It feels like we only go backwards," thus again aiding to making our music video conventional and all the more likely to be enjoyable to our target audience. Another aspect within this music video that I took inspiration from is the use of mise-en-scene, specifically the use of lighting within the video, as there are several lighting effects and a variety of colours used within the video. The lighting within the video reflects the nature of the music and also adds to the enjoyment of the music video as the lights and specific scene represents a club and thus encourages dancing and having a good time. 

The use of fast editing within this
video reflects Goodwin's theory.
The lighting within this video adds to the
viewer experience of the video.

Music video 2-

The genre of this music video is electronic or dance, there are many different elements within the music video that are inspirational to me and that I plan on implementing into my own music video for it to be successful. Firstly in terms of mis-en-scene of the music video the lighting and colour of the video is very unique, the colour scheme highlights the red and purple colours over everything and has a tint that again creates the same effect. The use of these features, combined with the bright light created through the lightning and the city lights makes the music video incredibly unique, this is interesting to me as our music genre, psychedelic rock, celebrates individualism and breaking the social norms or following conventions, thus we believe adding colour tints and highlighting colour schemes that may be overlooked within our music video is a real possibility. The use of a motif within the music video, which is Skrillex's (the artist of the song) signature logo which features at the beginning of the music video, the use of this is to create a relationship between the audience and audience, and also it means the audience have something to associate with the artist, and thus the artist can use this logo in albums and advertisements and the audience will initially associate it with the specific artist due to its prominence. 

Music video 3- 

The genre of this music video is dance, there are many different elements I took inspiration from that I intend to implement within my own music videos. In terms of cinematography there are many different elements that create a successful music video and that I intend on using to make my own music video successful: firstly the use of a panning and tracking shot within the music video means that a setting can be depicted within the video easily as the camera spreads and shows the entire background, this feature is successful as it can set the scene of the music video and is also aesthetically pleasing if the camera pans on a nice background such as within this music video. Within this music video is also the use of a mid shot, and close ups, although these are both examples of simple camera angles, the use of these features allows the artist within the video (Ellie Goulding) to lip sync the lyrics to the song to make it look like she is actually singing in the video, this reflects Goodwin's theory of lyrics reflecting the song and also creates a link between the song and the visuals.

Music video 4- 

This music video is of the indie genre, it also inspired me greatly, there were many aspects I wish to implement into my own music video in terms of the editing features within the song. Firstly the use of editing within this music video specifically the use of both black and white editing and the use of a vintage effect are interesting elements that I would be interested in implementing within my own video. The use of a vintage camera effect is interesting as it creates a nostalgic effect within the video that reflects the nostalgic style of which Jake Bugg exerts through his music style, the vintage effect may also appeal to an elderly audience as the video is shot in the style if the videos they watched in their time. The black and white effect is also an effective feature as it again creates a nostalgic or old feel as black and white picture was active during the beginning of film. Within this music video there is also the prominence of fast editing and transitions, the use of this is to implement many different camera shots in to thus make the video as interesting as possible, and may also be used to reflect the high tempo of the song as Goodwin's theory suggests that music videos visuals generally are in correspondence with the song itself. I will use these editing features to help better my own video and take the aspects with great consideration as these elements have effectively been used within this video and thus is successful.

Music video 5-

The genre of this music video is rock and through analysing it I gain many inspirations in terms of editing, due to the effectiveness of a variety of editing styles. Firstly in terms of editing speeds, there is a stong use of fast editing and quick transitions, this much alike Jake Bugg's music video is used to both reflect the tempo and general ethos of the song itself in correspondence with Goodwin's theory of music and visuals and also to keep the video interesting as there is an abundance of different shots within this music video with frames almost always lasting less than 2 to 3 seconds long. On the contrary there is also a use of slow editing in the form of slow motion within the music video, the use of this adds to the intensity of certain frames, such as the glass smashing as the audience can see it for a longer and more stretched out time, it is also an interesting feature which is not seen in many music videos but is instead used mainly for action movies and thus adds to the individuality of the music video itself, which is conventional to the genre of rock. There is also a strong use of special effects and CGI within the video, this feature is interesting for the audience as it creates a sense of surrealism within the video and makes it unique to other videos due to the creativity. After watching this music video I have gained many inspirations in terms of editing and intend on using them within my own music video, especially the use of CGI and special effects as this is conventional to the psychedelic rock genre.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some proficient understanding of why inspiration is essential to carry out. You have made a start in identifying a number of music videos and by focusing on the micro element, that has provided you with inspiration.

    You have also made an attempt to relate your inspirations to your music video planning, by explaining what you would like to include within your own production. However, some of these points are a little vague and need to be elaborated further.
