
Thursday 25 September 2014

Analysis of a star and Dyer's Star Theory - Miss Miller

Analysis of a star and Dyer's Star Theory - Miss Miller

There are many reasons as to why an artist would want to reinvent themselves as an artist, firstly the artists may be tired of their image and thus would want to mix things up, making music of a different genre and resultantly targeting a different audience, this could also lead to an increase in revenues as they are attracting and appealing to a wider variation of audience. Another reason may be to be rid themselves of bad press or a negative perceptions of themselves by creating a new image and reinventing themselves within the media, other artists may want to stay relevant or keep up with the times thus having to adapt to the wants of the modern audience. Within my blog I will be commenting on the artist Miley Cyrus and her development within the music industry, she has adapted and reinvented herself within the music industry in order to stay relevant and with the times.

Miley Cyrus first emerged in the music industry through the Disney show Hannah Montana, where she played both herself and Hannah Montana, a world famous pop singer. The genre of the music she produced was pop, although the genre changed, the intended audience for this type of music was young children of 4-12 years of age. The use of conventions such as a dance routine with back up singers, an abundance of close ups and the positive ethos and vibe given throughout the music video reflects this kid pop genre as she is targeting just children she is trying to both educate and entertain them which will in turn result to views and profits, however as she grew up and her audience did she had to adapt to the industry and change her image.

With Miley Cyrus' audience growing older and her own music preferences changing, Miley dropped the Hannah Montana act and focused on her own music and develop herself within he pop genre, however this time targeting pre-teens and teenagers with her music. The use of pop conventions such as dance routines, pop-themed outfits and a party themed video full of happy people dancing that encourages the audience to dance and be happy all feature in the video however there is slight mention to taboo subjects such as the use of drugs and sex which is unconventional of the pop genre and of Miley as she would previously never have made mention to these topics due to her past affiliation with Disney and her young audience. It's safe to say the change of her music style and message is due to the age of her audience that watched Hannah Montana and she is only aiming to keep up with the audience. 

Miley Cyrus' biggest transition within the music industry came around 2013, the main reason for this change in music style is to stay relevant within the industry as her old music was growing out dated due to her aging fans and the ever changing trends within the music industry. Her controversial music video which included several taboos such as the use of drugs and skimpy outfits, this catches the audiences attention as they are not expecting this sort of music video from an artist such as Miley Cyrus that came from Disney and used to make music for young children. Miley's target audience changed to teens and those older, this can be seen through her themes and the lack of conventions within her music videos opposed to her old music. 

1 comment:

  1. This is not an analysis! This is a summary of each video.
    Refer back to the power point and make sure you include each bullet point in your analysis for EACH video - this is meant to be an extremely long post!
