
Sunday 4 January 2015

Research into a Chosen Music Genre - Miss Georgiou

Research into a Chosen Music Genre - Miss Georgiou

Our group decided to use the song "Feels Like We Only Go Backwards" for our music video, this song is by Tame Impala and derives from the Psychedelic rock genre. Psychedelic rock originates from the psychedelic culture, the music attempts to replicate and enhance the mind altering experience of using psychedelic drugs. The music itself attempts to be unconventional and takes inspiration through the implementation of Indian instruments such as the sitar and ragas. The genre became prominent through the increased popularity due to artists including the Beatlesthe Byrds, and the Yardbirds, which resulted in the genre emerging in the mid-1960s among folk rock and blues rock bands in the United Kingdom and United States, such as Grateful DeadJefferson Airplanethe Jimi Hendrix ExperienceCreamthe Doors and Pink Floyd. Using this style of music was interesting to myself and the group as it meant that our music video could be unconventional in terms of the mainstream and we could make our video unique, as when researching many psychedelic rock genre the videos were very original and this meant we could fully use our creativity to effect. I have analysed two music videos within the psychedelic rock genre in terms of the features in order to discover the conventions within the genre in order for us to implement them within our music video. The two songs I used were The Black Angels - Entrance Song, and Tame Impala - Expectation. 

Within this music video I found several different elements that will aid me in terms of inspiring me with features I could implement into our music video. The song itself derives from the same artists whom made our song for our music video and thus to take inspiration directly from the group we will be mirroring is good as it will result in our music video being more realistic and similar to the band Tame Impala. Firstly in terms of editing there are many different features that our group can take inspiration from, the use of a mirror effect is very interesting, as it aesthetically looks strange as this is not conventional to mainstream music videos, the effect also relates to the use of drugs and thus is a feature we may use within our music video as it looks very strange and unrealistic. The use of a fish-eye effect is also prominent within the music video which again looks very strange and correlates with the drug ethos of the music video. There are also many colour tints within the music video, mainly red and white, this is a popular feature within several music videos as it can be used to reflect the mood of the artist within the music video. There is also an abundance of close ups used within the music video, this again is a conventional feature within mainstream music videos and corresponds with Goodwin's theory of what makes a music video, this however is expected in almost all performance based music videos as without it lip syncing is essentially useless and the viewers want to see the artists of whom they enjoy. In terms of mise-en-scene specifically artist image the artists are all wearing normal clothes, this is in order to make the music video seem realistic and make the viewers relate more as certain music videos include expensive outfits in order for an artist to show that they are rich or of a higher status,

This music video from the The Black Angels, a popular psychedelic rock group also helped me in terms of identifying many different features and conventions that can be implemented within our own music video. Firstly in terms of editing there are many colour tints used within this music video, this is effective as again it is aesthetically pleasing to the audience as they are not used to seeing this style of music video. The different colour schemes also in some ways enhance the music video not only in terms of it looking better but it also correlates with drug use and intoxication as the colours are not what one sees in their normal sight. There is also the use of fast paced editing used within the music video, this corresponds with the high tempo of the music video which again is with Goodwin's theory that the visuals and music link. In terms of costume, the actors within the music video are wearing strange outfits, this is conventional to the psychedelic rock genre, as the genre attempts to be out of the ordinary due to its drug related roots. The song uses many tracking and panning shots, there are several reasons for this and it is very effective, in correspondence to the setting, the music video is in a very scenic area and thus these two camera angles showcase the area very well as the whole scene fits within the shot or frame. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of your chosen music genre and this is because you have not included an in-depth analysis of the music videos, as you have just generalised your points, which is more like a summary.

    Therefore, you need to read over your points again and aim to be more specific when you are analysing the micro elements, by focusing on one point at a time. This also needs to be written into the PEER format, so that a more in-depth analysis is formulated.

    Then you need to include a summary to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own music video, by considering your research and ideas that have inspired you with creating your music video.
