
Sunday 4 January 2015

Rough Cut - Miss Georgiou

Rough Cut - Miss Georgiou

Audience feedback is extremely useful for artists for many reasons, firstly it helps an artist improve their product in order for it to appeal to the masses, as if the audience all give one suggestion, when generalizing that suggestion would most likely be the mass opinion. The use of audience feedback is also very important as it can help one find the many errors or mistakes within the product such as our music video, and can help you take out parts that are unpopular. The feedback can also help with censorship as there may be controversial elements within the product that need to be removed or subdued but this would not be addressed with the feedback of the audience. We created a rough cut which was intended to be used as a platform to make sure our music video was up to standard and that the important elements such as cinematography and editing were effective and enjoyable to the audience. 

We received our feedback through both YouTube comments and through the feedback within lesson time when we showed our music video to everybody, we were all given a sheet and asked to grade each others music videos and give ideas as to how we could improve them. The YouTube comments were also very useful for us as well as we gained comments from anonymous people whom had watched our music video and they gave us constructive criticism that would result in improving our video. 

Our feedback gave us many different points and we can take these to swiftly improve our music videos, in terms of positive comments we were told we had a variety of shots, a clear narrative and a good use of editing techniques and styles. In terms of negative aspects we were told some of the shots were too long, the lip syncing was bad and there was not enough performance within the music video. In order to improve our music video we will re film the lip syncing scenes, shorten our clips through editing, and add more performance elements. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of what a rough cut is and the purpose that it has to a production. You have made a start in explaining what the purpose of audience feedback is and you have also made a start in including the comments that you received, but you need to ensure that you have reflected on the comments in further detail. This can be achieved by discussing what you will take on board and what you will change for your final product
