
Sunday 23 November 2014

Initial group planning ideals - Miss Georgiou

Initial group planning ideals - Miss Georgiou 

My group consists of 4 members including myself, Luke Durrance, Harry Hyett and Bryce Yarwood.

Within our first meeting we discussed what songs we were thinking of using for our music video, we quickly decided upon using the song Feels Like We Only Go Backwards by Tame Impala and promptly printed the lyrics and annotated them, to see what the themes and elements were within the song to see whether it would be suitable for our music video. In the meeting we discussed why we were going to use this song, going through the positives of the song and the features we wanted to implement within our music videos such as the time lapse and backwards editing, we also discussed the location of where we would shoot our music video and decided upon Central London as our location, we also decided upon our actors, with me volunteering to be the main actor within the music video and characters and also began to build up ideas on the narrative of the song.

In our next meeting we began to discuss the elements that would be implemented within our music video in terms of the cinematography and editing. We discussed and agreed on many different elements, in terms of editing we decided upon using many elements such as reverse of time, a time lapse, slow motion and fast editing all for an effect and as it corresponded with the context of our song and its lyrics. In terms of cinematography there were many different elements that were suggested as we agreed that we needed a variety of shots to make our video successful, camera shots such as arc shots, extreme close ups, tracking and panning shots and handheld shots along with the standard style shots were suggested and we agreed we would use them all to further our music video.

We quickly converged to create concrete ideas and all members were adequate in terms of contributing towards ideas and bringing suggestions to the table. We were able to use the information we gained through the meetings to contribute towards our storyboard, filming schedule and risk assessment. Below are the initial plans we made within our group in terms of the many sub sections that make a successful music video.

To be done by
By whom
To decide on an artist and a song.
All group members.
Various ideas were discussed and the group created a mind map. Eventually we decided on creating a music video. For the song “Feels like we only go backwards” by Tame Impala.
Applying for copyright.
All group members.
Group members discussed the purpose of Copyright and how we would gain permission to use our song.
Lyric analysis.
All group members.
After printing out the lyrics for the song we analysed the lyrics for hidden meanings and themes.
Planning mise-en-scene.
All group members.
Members discussed the elements of mise-en-scene to be implemented within our music video.
Planning cinematography.
All group members.
Many ideas were discussed in terms of the camera angles and shots to be implemented in our music video.
Planning artist image.
Jazz Chrystie and Luke Durrance.
The two members discussed the image of the actors and actresses within the music video.
Planning editing styles.
All group members
As a group we decided the editing features and special effects to be implemented within our music video.

Group storyboard.
All group members
All members of the group discussed and finalised the storyboard to be used as a guideline for our filming process, and to maintain we know what features in terms of editing and cinematography will be featured in our song.
Filming schedule
All groups members.
Within this meeting we discussed the film schedule, which would allow us to be organised in terms of our filming schedule as we have a detailed plan as to what would occur within each shooting sequence in terms of location, date and time. 
Risk Assessment
All group members.
As a group we discussed the many different risks that could occur within our filming process, after finding these risks we found ways in which we could prevent these risks or at least decrease the chances of them occurring.


  1. This post demonstrates some evidence of group planning. It is clear to see that you and your group have considered some inspiration for your music video and some of the planning that you have taken. However, you need to elaborate on the meetings that you have untaken in a lot more detail, by considering your planning sheets further. As this will enable you to demonstrate further evidence of planning that has been carried out.

  2. The table that you have included above, demonstrates further evidence of group meetings and discussions that you have untaken with your group.

    Now you need to explain whether you think your group worked well over the course of your production.

    Also you need to ensure that you have included all your meetings, as you have missed off the rough cut and a few others.
