
Sunday 16 November 2014

Risk Assesment - Miss Georgiou

Risk Assessment - Miss Georgiou 

Conducting and creating a well thought out risk assessment is an incredibly important process of filming not only creating our music video, but the entire entertainment industry, in the proffesional world creating a risk assessment is a legal requirement when creating a project as the organisation is responsible for the safety of a group of people and thus the eradication of risks is a serious issue that must be discussed and highlighted.  There are many reasons as to why a Risk Assessment is integral to the success of our music video. Firstly the risk assessment provides our group with guidelines that have our health and well-being at its main intentions, every possible danger was discussed in a sensible manner in order to eradicate the prospect of a group member getting injured. There were many different risks that could possibly occur within our filming process, such as tripping hazards, filming close to train tracks, lifting hazards, and water risks, in a group we discussed each danger and how we would get rid of the risk, and within our actual filming process we had our risk assessment on us to ensure we felt comfortable to film as an injury would not only physically harm one of our members but would also effect the morale of the group and also would waste time that could be used for actually filming our music video. Although the risk assessment itself does not completely eradicate the possibility of an accident occurring that could harm somebody we felt a lot more relaxed and in the know during our filming process after we had completed the risk assessment. The group made sure we had a first aid kit on its inventory which had items such as plasters and bandages that could be used at any time possible to stop a member of the group bleeding, in terms of filming by the train tracks, which is incredibly dangerous, we were very cautious, and the actor (Jazz Chrystie) who was in the shot and closest to the track was looked after by the other group members to ensure no accidents that could potentially have been fatal would occur. 

Overall I believe our risk assessment is a successful and efficient guideline to ensuring the safety of all the group members and those involved within the filming process. The risk assessment is detailed and provides one with many different alternatives to prevent injury, such as the many different precautions the group should take to ensure nobody trips over equipment and other hazards on the floor. The guidelines made the filming process a lot safer and easier and meant that we could film without having to stop when changing each scene and have to discuss if there were any potential dangers as each scene we shot at had been scouted for risks. Below are screenshots of the risk assessment we used to prevent any injuries towards the group members occurring. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a proficient understanding of what a risk assessment is and the purpose that it has to a production.

    Did you experience any more risks?
