
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Planning Storyboards - Miss Georgiou

Planning Storyboards - Miss Georgiou

Storyboards are an incredibly important process of creating a music video as they create the outline for not only the narrative of the video, but also the other elements that make up the video such as the Camera Shot, Iconography, Lighting, Actors, Sound, and Editing. We worked on our storyboard both in and out of lesson in order to have a detailed outline of our narrative, as we wanted to eradicate the possibility of any ambiguity occurring when we began our filming process. As this would waste a lot of time and could lead to us rushing filming footage which could have led to having low quality clips and errors which thus would negatively effect our grade. Every member of the group helped add to the storyboard and we made sure we all had our say in each individual section to make sure it was a fair contribution from everybody. The narrative was fairly easy to come up with and ideas came quickly, it was a fairly easy process and we completed the storyboard so soon we began filming before any other group. Although the storyboard was used within our filming process in terms of looking for what shots we would use and mise-en-scene aspects such as character positioning, setting and costume, we found that we had to go against the storyboard in some parts due to conditions not in our control such as weather and too many people in a certain area, and also better ideas springing at the time of filming. Below are screenshots of the storyboard we created. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why storyboards are essential to include, especially when planning a production. You have made a start in considering the purpose, but you also need to explain how your created your storyboards, by considering the primary and secondary research that you carried out.

    Also your storyboards are a little basic in terms of the narrative descriptions, which needs to be explored again.
