
Sunday 2 November 2014

Planning lighting and colour - Miss Georgiou

Planning lighting and colour - Miss Georgiou

Within music videos there is generally a variation of lighting and colour schemes present, there are several reasons as to why these elements feature.  The use of lighting reflect the mood of the music video and can also add to the aesthetic experience of the audience as the colours create a more entertaining video due to the variation of colours, dark colours such as blue and black could represent sadness and a gloomy mood whilst bright colours such as green and yellow could represent happiness within the music video, regardless of the lyrics or music being heard depending on the colouring within the video the mood can emit and entire different visual representation.

The use of colour tints will feature within my music video as they are effective in terms of creating a mood or representation within a particular scene or segment of the music video. The colours I will be using within my music video are:

Black and white - The use of this colour tint will be used to portray the past, as there will be many flashbacks within our music video, or to represent a particular scene in which the protagonist is unhappy as black and white usually represents sadness. 

Kaleidoscope - The use of a kaleidoscope will be integral to our music video for many reasons, firstly the use of this aspect is very useful as it gives a representation as to how the protagonist feels when intoxicated through the use of drugs as the effect is very trippy with a variation of colouring. The use of this effect is also conventional to the psychedelic rock genre and thus will appeal to the fans of this genre. 

Bright colours (red, green, blue) - The use of these colour schemes will be used again to create a correlation between the use of drugs as the different colour layouts form a different visual concept that portrays that there is something  out of the ordinary occurring

I will also be using other lighting elements such as:

Low key lighting - This may create suspension or tension within the music video, and could also emit a sad feeling through the darkness, it can also put a focus on one particular object with the use of editing. This style of lighting may be prominent within our music video due to the dimly lit areas we will be filming in such as alleys and back streets. 

Main lighting - The use of this lighting element is effective as it creates a brightness for the entirety of the scene and thus the viewers won't find it hard to see. The main lighting will usually be street lights or lights within a house or building. This may not however be as prominent as the other lighting features as our video is dark and relies on many pieces of editing and special effects. 

Strobe lighting - This lighting effect will be used in accordance to Goodwin's theory as the strobes will change in correspondence with the song tempo and beat. The strobes are also an aesthetically pleasing effect and the viewers may enjoy the music video more if there are fun elements that are conventional to mainstream music videos. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not fully explored your points that you have included. This is because the points that you have included are too vague and therefore you need to elaborate on where the lighting styles will be seen and why? the effect that is created, if it is conventional and how it helps to build a relationship with your audience.
