
Wednesday 12 November 2014

Planning editing - Miss Georgiou

Planning editing - Miss Georgiou

Editing is an incredibly important feature in terms of not only music videos but the entirety of cinematography and the entertainment industry. Editing helps shorten the sequence and remove unwanted aspects of a particular piece of footage within film, it can also help add an effect or create an atmosphere within a particular scene through the use of special effects and editing software. Editing enhances certain aspects of a film and can in some sequences add more to a scene, for example fast editing and a hand-held shot could create a strong sense of urgency whereas slow transitions could create a sense of either relaxation or tension, depending on how its done. Editing also helps smooth the produced piece as there will be several rough cuts and irrelevant aspects within the first time filming that will eventually get edited out. Editing can also help combine different shots together to make them a whole sequence which in our case will occur as we have filmed several different shots that we will combine and align with our music video. Editing helps keep the audience engaged as the transitions and variety of shots keeps them engaged, below is a list of the different types of editing we will use within our music video. 

Slow Motion - I will be using slow motion within my music video for several different reasons, firstly the use of this effect is entertaining to the viewer as it is unique and different to what they may expect to see within a music video. The use of abstract features and unique elements that would not typically be seen within mainstream music videos is a common convention of Psychedelic Rock, as it essentially attempts to break the modes of society, this is thus why I have decided to use slow motion as it will be groundbreaking and catch the eye of the viewer. The use of slow motion is effective as it in certain aspects, (such as a particular scene in which the actor is seen in deep thought) highlight an area or give it more emphasis. The lyric "every part of me says go ahead" represents indecision which with the implementation of slow motion can further the feel of the video. The use of slow motion will also be used within the fight scene in our music video, as this is a feature used in many action movies and fight scenes as it highlights the fight and means the audience don't miss anything, thus making it more entertaining.

Time Lapse - A time lapse will also be an incredibly interesting feature for the audience, like slow motion a time lapse is not a common feature within music videos. The purpose of the time lapse within our music video is to portray the artist as in deep thought, whilst the entire world contiues to move around him, this corresponds with the lyrics and essential ethos of the song, such as the lyrics "I get inside my head all day" and "the seed of all this indecision isn't me, oh no" thus creating a link between the song and the video. The speeding up process is an extremely complicated process however it will be worth it as this is a very sophisticated style of editing and thus will make our music video look proffesional and more entertaining. This is not a conventional editing feature, which goes accordingly with the ethos of Psychedelic Rock, the speeding up also goes accordingly with the theme of the song.

Reverse of Footage - We also plan on reversing our footage at the end of the song for effect. This element links accordingly with the key motif within the song, the lyric "it feels like we only go backwards" and also with the entire theme of the song itself as the song is about going backwards. This form of editing will be very effective for our music video as it creates a visual representation of the entirety of the song, thus the audience will create a link between the video and song, which in turn will eradicate the prospect of ambiguity. Through researching other music videos of the Psychedelic Rock genre from artists such as The Black Angels and The Essex Green I discovered that the use of reversing footage is actually conventional and was used in many occurances, this thus makes it all the better for us to use this editing sequence.

Fast Editing/Slow Editing - The use of both fast and slow editing within our music video will be implemented for many reasons. Firstly and in terms of fast editing, a sense of urgency can be exerted through fast transitions, we decided to combine this editing style with the use of a handheld camera shot, as the two forms of cinematography and editing combined will create strong tension through the shaking and fast paced nature of the sequence. The use of slow editing within this piece will create the opposite effect to its fast paced correspondant, as the lack of transitions will represent serenity and calmness, this style of editing is more conventional than fast editing as the majority of Psychedelic Rock is calm and slow paced, dating back to its mellow, drug related roots.


  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of planning techniques, which is clear through the editing styles that you have considered in using within your production. You have made a start in explaining why you have decided to include certain styles, but you also need to relate back to the lyrics of your song, to demonstrate further planning and justification for using certain styles.

    Also aim to relate back to your target audience to show further understanding of why you decided to include certain styles.

  2. You have made a start in developing your points further, by considering your chosen music genre in more detail. However, you need to be more specific where your editing styles will be seen and the effect that will be created in further detail. This will enable you to explore your planning in a lot more detail.
